Why Google Friend Connect is a Must For Bloggers
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Usually when Google Friend Connect is mentioned, most people assume it is used exclusively with websites. This is not completely accurate as the Google Friend Connect widget can often prove very helpful to blogs. Namely, the widget can greatly expand a blog's readership potential.
Blogging is incredibly popular as evidenced by the multitude of blogs proliferating on the internet. Many blogs have large audiences and, in most cases, readers are allowed to comment on the entries in the blog. While this is a decent method of interaction between the Google Friend Connect blogger and the readers, it is also quite limited. Simply commenting on the blogs does not always stimulate excitement. Additionally, due to the design of the average blog, comments have a tendency to drop down the page and out of sight. If they are out of site then the comments probably will do little for increasing interest in the blog. That is why Google Friend Connect can provide a mega boost to a blog.
Google Friend Connect is a free system that can add social networking functions to a blog. Simply cutting and pasting a widget code onto the blog will have you in business in a short period of time. Once the widget is in place, readers can create profiles, create their own friends list, and communicate with one another. All of these tactics can work wonders for making a blog popular and lively. Now, some may think this is not necessary for a blog's success but it has a potentially huge benefit. If a blog becomes ground zero for a huge social network, the blogger can reap a number of rewards. Namely, the blogger might become very well known and popular while also greatly increasing potential revenue streams.
This inclusion of social network function into blogs is a huge leap forward from bloggings early days. Originally, blogs started out rather innocuously. The early "weblogs" centered almost exclusively on computer information and technology related subjects. In time, these subjects would expand to include a multitude of subjects. With the great variety of subjects, more and more readers became attracted to blogs. Eventually, the readership of blog rose into the hundreds of millions. This took the traditional media by surprise as many individuals were able to achieve fame through their blogging. To say this was a radical departure from the traditional, established mean of gaining notoriety for writing and news presentation would be a major understatement. In the past, the only way to reach a large media audience was through the major cable television channels, newspapers, or magazines with high circulations. Blogging changed all that and now Google Friend Connect may take blogging to the next level.
Why is Google Friend Connect so potentially helpful to bloggers? Keep in mind merely launching a blog does not mean it will automatically draw a huge audience. The audience has to be built and sometimes that can take a lot of time. This is why a proactive method for building an audience is so critical. Google Friend Connect can aid in developing that audience.
Once Google Friend Connect starts to connect like-minded readers into the blog's social network, the network will start to take a life of its own. That is, the members of the blog network may become members of other Google Friend Connect networks. This will lead to traffic deriving from these other avenues. Also, there is nothing stopping the publisher of the blog proactively becoming a member of other Google Friend Connect networks. This will lead to even further traffic and popularity. Best of all, this method is much cheaper than taking part in a number of traditional search engine optimization methods.
Another huge benefit to using Google Friend Connect is that the increased popularity and traffic will greatly enhance the ability to monetize a blog. Most blogs rely on pay per click advertising and affiliate marketing. With more and more people actively investing time with the new found Google Friend Connect social networking applications on the blog, the ability to convert these visitors into ad revenue generating visitors will increase dramatically.
The bottom line is that blogs need an audience and some form of publicity in order to be successful. A Google Friend network can deliver on both of these goals. Provided, of course, it is teamed with a very motivated blogger.
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Posted byFriend Connect Directory at 8:41 AM
Labels: blogger, friend connect blogger, Google Friend Connect Directory