Google Friend Connect + NEW API = Deeper Integration for Site Owners

Things got a lot more interesting today with the announcement of Friend Connect API.

This API allows site owners & developers to access the core features of Friend Connect for use on their own site, in an effort to make the web more social. Furthermore, this newest addition to Friend Connect's arsenal helps discourage web spam thru bots (whereas validation will be required).


* Allows sites owners deeper integration with API; i.e. existing login systems and existing data with new data and activities.
* Plugin developers can integrate with popular CMS, bulletin boards, or any open framework.
* Gadget developers can make OpenSocial apps with greater control over how data flows across servers.

The Friend Connect API works with Yahoo! or OpenID accounts, in addition to a Google account. Here's some documentation to help enrich the user experience.

Posted byFriend Connect Directory at 9:59 AM  


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